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Problemas de guardado

Con todo respeto no deberían de dar 7 dias de prueva si no funcionara bien. Dure tres dias haciendo un trabajo supuestamente lo guarde y al abrir nuevamente jamas apareció es una falta de respeto.


As soon as you have a problem, save your project online and ask customer support or other videoscribe users what you are doing wrong. Much help is available.

If you have lost a project file or cannot open it, contact customer support to see if they can help you.

Don't close videoscribe while a file is still saving. It may be a good idea to  save a copy on your computer and a copy online if you keep having these kinds of problems.

Que me garantiza que pague por un producto que en su versión de prueba no funciona bien? hE INTENTADO EXPORTAR la presentacion realizada y es practicamente imposible


It is easier to diagnose a problem if you provide a description of the problem.

If you are having a hard time using videoscribe , save your project online, or attach it here in the forum, and ask customer support or other videoscribe users what you should be doing differently. Help is available.

If you have lost a project file or cannot open it, or you cannot save a video, contact customer support to see if they can help you.

Some tips for getting the best results with videoscribe can be found here: http://help.videoscribe.co/support/discussions/topics/1000065281

-Mike (videoscribe user)


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